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5 Methods to Safely Break a Fever

Having a fever is an awful feeling. Fever can cause physical pains and exhaustion and it might  also cause agitation in younger kids. 

Cold and flu viruses can cause fevers that continue for 3 to 4 days, and regrettably, fevers, particularly high-grade fevers (above 103°F), can feel rather uncomfortable. Here are some suggestions for lowering a fever, either naturally or with medication.

How to break a fever?

You can break a fever by getting lots of rest, drinking plenty of fluids, covering yourself if you’re shivering or using an ice pack if you’re overheating. You can also take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce your temperature. 

Bringing down the body temperature in a younger one can help them sleep a little better, it can also help adults in getting more rest. These five suggestions can aid in lowering a temperature more quickly:


Your body temperature may rise if you are active. Rest is essential for healing and bringing down a fever. Adults with fevers of 102°F (38.9°C) or less are advised to rest and consume plenty of water. Medicine is not always required. Getting adequate sleep helps boost the health of your immune system, enabling your body to combat infections that cause fever, such as the cold or flu. 

If you have a fever and you also have a strong headache, a stiff neck, shortness of breath, or any other strange signs or symptoms, call your doctor right away.

Try Over The Counter Medicines 

An antipyretic is a kind of medication that lowers fever. Antipyretics lower fever immediately.

Numerous medicines are available without a prescription, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) like Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol (acetaminophen) .

Both adults and children can take the majority of over-the-counter antipyretics, however dosages will differ. Before administering any fever-relieving drug to a child who is younger than three months old, consult with a pediatrician or a doctor who specializes in treating children. 

Children as small as 24 lbs can take Tylenol, while those 6 months of age and older can take Advil. According to Healthline, Aspirin should be avoided in children and teenagers unless your healthcare professional advises you differently since it can induce Reye’s syndrome, a potentially fatal illness.

Stay Hydrated 

Hydration may hasten the onset of your disease, including your fever. When you have a fever, you sweat more, therefore you need to drink to replace those lost fluids. Fluids are necessary for the optimal functioning of every system in your body, including the immune system.

Drink whatever appeals to you, whether it’s water, herbal tea, or occasionally a sports beverage.It is advised to avoid caffeine, no matter the source. Caffeine increases urination, which might cause you to get dehydrated and hinder your ability to recover.

Cool Off

You can bring down your body temperature by sleeping with just a sheet or a light blanket and by keeping the room at a cool temperature. To keep your child’s body temperature low if they have a fever, lower the temperature in the house or bedroom. Another method to bring down the fever is to dip a cloth into cold water and place it on the forehead, this helps reduce the body temperature effectively. 

Take Lukewarm Bath 

It may seem counterintuitive, but a warm, not hot, bath will help you relax so you can sleep better and lower your temperature. Once the water begins to cool, make sure you get out of the tub.

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