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What is Cefazolin Antibiotic?

Cefazolin antibiotic is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic mainly used for the treatment of mild bacterial infections related to the skin, lung, bone, joint, blood, stomach, heart valves and urinary tract. It can be used before or during surgeries to prevent infections by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Source: Medline Plus)

How to use Cefazolin Antibiotics?

Cefazolin Antibiotic is injected into the veins or into a muscle generally in the form of liquid, for over 30 minutes. It is given in an interval of either 6, 9 or 12 hours, as per the recommendation of a medical professional. The medical dosage depends on the level of your infection and in the case of children it is based on their weight. 

This medication could be dispensed to you either at the hospital or you could administer it at home by yourself under the guidance and consultation of a medical professional. If you plan to use this antibiotic at home, then consult a medical professional and learn how to use it properly. Do dispose of the medicine properly. Also, avoid using the product if you see any kind of discolouration or funny patches on the package. 

Do not shy away from asking any questions to your medical professional regarding the medicine. You might see the results in the first few days of using this antibiotic, but in case you do not feel any better or the symptoms start getting worse, then consult your doctor right away. 

Do not skip or stop taking the doses in between, because then the antibiotic wouldn’t work and the bacteria might go on increasing. 

What are some common side effects of using Cefazolin Antibiotics?

  • Allergic Reactions like Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome 
  • Confusion and Lightheadedness 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Drowsiness and Fainting 
  • Eosinophilia 
  • Fever 
  • Gas 
  • Headache 
  • Heartburn 
  • Hives 
  • Elevated transaminase 
  • Pain, swelling, hard bump or rash 
  • Low blood pressure 
  • No appetite 
  • Low palette count 
  • Low White blood cell count 
  • Nausea and Vomiting 
  • Oral Thrush 
  • Inflammation of a vein
  • Severe inflammation on the inner line of the colon 
  • Rectum itching 
  • Skin itching 
  • Seizure 
  • Stomach Cramps 
  • An abnormally high number of pallets in the blood 
  • Vaginal Itching and discharge

Simple Tips & Caution 

To avoid many of the above-mentioned side effects follow these simple tips:

  • Ask your pharmacist for a list of ingredients used in a Cefazolin Antibiotic and ensure that you’re not allergic to any of them. 
  • If you’re allergic to carbapenem antibiotics or any other cephalosporin medicines then let your doctor know beforehand. 
  • Tell your medical professional about all the vitamins, herbal medicines or supplements you’re taking or planning to take, especially if it involves Probalan. 
  • Inform your doctor about any gastrointestinal diseases you might have had in the past including, colitis and kidney diseases. 
  • Do not consume alcohol while using this antibiotic.
  • Do tell your doctor if you’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding so they can make adjustments in the dosage and use it accordingly. 
  • Inform your doctor immediately, if you get pregnant while on this dosage, as they might need to make alterations in the dosage and use. 

How can NSUR help with Cefazolin Sodium? 

NSUR offers a prescription discount card called NSURx to help you save money on your Cefazolin Antibiotic prescriptions.

Simply present your NSURx card to the pharmacist the next time you fill a prescription of Cefazolin Antibiotic at your local pharmacy, and you could save up to 80% on your prescription costs! Moreover, every time you fill a prescription using NSURx, you will receive NSUR Coin as a reward, which you can use to buy goods and services on our health and wellness shopping platform.

Over 35,000 pharmacies accept NSURx prescriptions, including major chains like Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart and smaller, independent retailers in your neighborhood. 

There is no limit on the number of prescriptions you can fill using NSURx or the frequency at which you can fill them. You can even use NSURx to get discounts on other prescriptions for your friends and family (including pets!).  

Visit NSURx’s price lookup tool to see how much you can start saving today on your Cefazolin Antibiotic prescriptions and to find the nearest pharmacy to you that accepts NSURx, or call +1 (855) 917-6216. Most users have a pharmacy within 2 miles of their home that takes NSURx.






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